Sunday, April 1, 2007

Tesla's Inventions

These are things Tesla either envisioned or invented. In Tesla's mind, these were basically one in the same. From a young age, he described vivid hallucinations of whatever he was focussing on mentally, so real that they were indistinguishable from their surroundings. He developed this to a point where he could literally construct machinery in his head, and then run them endlessly if need be to check for flaws. This practice made him famous for needing no diagrams or sketches, except for other engineers on his team.

Alternating Current - Despite Edison's Best Efforts
Flourescent and Neon lights
Wireless (radio, data, power) The Marconi Misconception
Electron Microscope - Not to mention the Electron
X-rays (accidentally, before Roentgen and with better results. One of his assitants had one of the first x-ray burns.)
Robots - The wireless boat, automatons, auto-wars
Artificial Intelligence
Tesla Coil
Bladeless Turbine
Verticle Take Off Flying Machine -- Pre-Wright brothers?
Meteorological Technologies

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