“The future is mine!”
- N. Tesla
http://blog.hasslberger.com/2007/04/teslas_creative_genius_intuiti.htmlI was drawn to Sepp Hasslberger's site by the article about the spirituality of Werner Heisenberg and I was totally surprised to find a similar article about Tesla. This is an incredible read. I especially like the part about Tesliana, although I suggest Teslantis or maybe Teslatropolis instead.
Tesla's incomplete "World System" of wireless electricity really did end up as the Internet, not to mention radio and TV along the way. I also like the parts about Tesla's cosmology and how it contrasts with Einstein's. Resonance really is the basis of reality, and the electromagnetic spectrum still has many secrets to reveal.
Other interesting bits include the origins of faxing, atomic clocks, and the luminiferous ether. So many discoveries were made just as a result of Tesla's pioneering research that it really would be impossible to identify them all. One of the parts that really jumped out at me though was this:
Experimenters say that it is easy to excite mass emotions of people by means of corresponding oscillation of ionosphere, which includes harmonics of the collective subconscious state of all humankind. The ionosphere is a key to control mass feelings and thoughts. Tesla understood all this already as far back as 1899, living in Colorado.
Now, it doesn't say which experimenters, and other parts of this article like the time portals and green fog may be a bit much to swallow for some people. But I think in relation to HAARP, this passage is particularly lucid. The reasons for HAARP could be numerous, and Auroral Research is by all means a fascinating field (Tesla correctly identified the Aurora as cosmic radiation). One of the more nefarious purposes ascribed to it by those familiar with Black Budgets is over-the-horizon radar, a kind of NORAD of the world.
Another, more terrifying possibility is mind control. We all know about pressure changes and the weather affecting people's moods and health. We also know that the various states of the brain (Alpha, Theta, etc) can be initiated or influenced with electromagnetism. Everyone's experienced the 3am infomercial coma at one point or another. But what if you could in effect build a giant TV, or Tesla Magnifying Transmitter, in Alaska, no less, where it could easily blanket nearly all of North America in soothing, hypnotizing waves?
The Pentagon has been experimenting with microwave weapons in Iraq already and fully realize their potential for crowd control. Not only do they cause an itchy-under-the-skin, blood-is-boiling kind of sensation, but they induce emotional changes as well. The domestic potential to set up a relay of say 3 points around a huge protest group like the Seattle-WTO crowd and drive them all crazy would be too good to pass up. No more photos of a squad of riot police on the front page, just invisible radiation that no one could really prove without some sort of Geiger counter at the ready.
The honest truth is, while I'd like to believe that HAARP is an altruistic endeavor to further our understanding of the Aurora, there are just too many convenient exploitations of the system for that really to be the case.